St Andrew's Church, Stratton Flower Festival

Preparation for the 37th annual Flower Festival at St Andrew’s Church, Stratton are now well under way. Once again the church will be filled with colourful floral displays created by church members and friends from the wider community.

This year’s theme will be ‘These are a Few of our Favourite Things’. Arrangers are invited to create their hobbies, pastimes, passions or places that they love in flowers. Anything that brings joy into their lives from sewing, walking, art, music, books and sport, the list is endless. Some interesting and varied ideas have already been suggested, and by the opening day of the festival St Andrew’s will be beautifully adorned with flowers.

Once again there will be ample opportunity to visit the festival which will be open for three days from Friday 24th May to Sunday 26th May, inclusive. This occasion is the ideal time to catch up with old friends and maybe make some new ones. Refreshments will be served throughout the festival, including light lunches and cream teas. The church family of St Andrew’s do hope that you will come and join in this wonderful event with us, where a warm welcome awaits.

All funds raised will go towards the upkeep of the church, as a space for the whole community.