As we stand, possibly on the brink of war it is useful to remind ourselves that war is the ultimate arrogance, thinking that by violence we can overcome violence. True enough, our impaired humanity has to rely sometimes on force to

Something very beautiful is going on here, and it find its home in the Gospel reading today, of the Transfiguration.


In 1979 the John Le Carre novel, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy was dramatised as a 7 part TV series, starring Sir Alec Guiness as George Smiley. The haunting theme tune, written by Geoffrey Burgon, is the Nunc Dimittis, sung by Paul Phoenix and the bo

Today’s Gospel is clearly about power and authority and it affects a part of our existence that we would not wish to dwell on – power and authority over what Archbishop Milingo, a one-time great exorcist before he went a bit odd, called ‘The World In
