News from St Andrew's Church Leasingham

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Leasingham Church update - During April our builders have dug out one soakaway at the north side of the Church and we are awaiting their return to dig another two soakaways out. We are looking towards the end of May to re-open for services.

A bat survey was carried out by the Bat Conservation Trust by a local volunteer from the Lincolnshire Bat Group who thoroughly checked out the Church. He will be returning for an evening visit during the summer months to check where any bats could be gaining entry within the spire wall. He said that bats were now just beginning to come out of hibernation and becoming more active.

The Leasingham Village Scarecrow weekend will soon be upon us - running between Friday 24th May to the Monday 27th which the Duke of Wellington Pub will be organising. It is an event

which our Church usually participate in and we are hoping to take part this year. The theme will be 'sport' possibly to celebrate the upcoming Paris Olympics. Do please come along and visit the scarecrows.

Our last coffee morning saw the Leasingham and District Gardening Group join us to promote their organisation and its new year programme full of informative talks and outings to various gardens. They were also selling donated plants and seeds. Our next coffee morning will be on Saturday May 11th 10.15am to 11.30am in Leasingham Village Hall.

Leasingham's Congregation and Clergy would care to thank the Leasingham Village Hall Committee for the kind use of the Hall for the two Easter Services which took place there. Another cause for celebration will be the reopening of St Andrew’s Leasingham on Sunday June the 2nd at 3.30pm with a special service of thanksgiving and refreshments to follow. We are in the planning stage but please look out for more details.

James and the giant church

Kay Brown (our organist at Leasingham) was delighted when her grandson, James Hesketh aged 7, made a floor plan of St Andrew's Leasingham from LEGO! He said that he was very pleased and proud that it had been liked by Reverend Al.

He is going to give Kay a guided tour of his model and particularly the font with removable top. Well done James.