Spring at St Paul's

Lent Easter Community_news

There is lots to look forward to St Paul’s in the coming months! On Mothering Sunday, 19 March, the service is at 10am. This is a family service with flowers for all mothers. On Sunday 26 March 6pm we have a performance of Stainer's Crucifixion by St Paul's Choir and friends. On Good Friday 7 April there will be children’s games and activities with hot cross buns in the church and garden, and then a 12 noon Eucharist Service taken by Canon Julian Reindorp. Our Easter Sunday service is on 9 April at 10am, which again is taken by Canon Julian Reindorp. Please bring bells to make a joyful noise! All are welcome at our Annual General Meeting, which will be in church on Wednesday 26 April at 7pm. Do join us for a glass of wine, the election of the new PCC and to hear about our plans for the coming year.