Palm Sunday and Holy Week at St Disen's

Sunday 24th March is Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week. Join with us as we gather outside the Guildhall at 10.15am to walk down to St Disen’s Church following Isachaar the donkey, in celebration of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Our service then continues in the church, with refreshments afterwards in the church hall.

On Maundy Thursday, 6th April, there will be a Reflective Communion Service in the church hall at 7.30pm as we remember the events of the Last Supper and the Passion.  On Good Friday we have a Walk of Witness, following the cross through the centre of Bradninch. This begins at St Disen’s Church at 10.30am and concludes at the Baptist Church where refreshments, including hot cross buns, will be served.

On Easter Sunday there is a Sunrise Service at Christ Cross at 6.30am with breakfast available afterwards. Then we’re back in Bradninch for a celebratory Easter Communion service to mark the resurrection at St Disen’s at 10.30am, with refreshments afterwards.  Remember that the clocks will have gone forward!