All age Family Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Emmanuel Church
Apsley Road Bath, Newbridge Bath, BA1 3LP, United Kingdom

This is an all age family service of praise, prayer and Bible teaching. There are activities for children in the upper room during the service and we get together for fellowship and a chat over a cuppa and a biscuit after the service.

Messy Church

In January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November, December. Every First Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Emmanuel Church
Apsley Road Bath, Newbridge Bath, BA1 3LP, United Kingdom

Messy Church normally takes place on the first Monday of each month, except when the Monday is a Bank Holiday, in which case we hold it the following Monday. We start with a bible story, a prayer and a song and then 'get creative' with glue, paint, colouring and cooking around the theme of the bible story. We finish with a meal together. It is lots of fun and families, teenagers, older folk . . . all are welcome to come and join in the creativity! We don't run Messy Church in August. We hope to see you there!

There is no Messy Church in August

Parent and Toddler Group

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 58 mins
Emmanuel Church
Apsley Road Bath, Newbridge Bath, BA1 3LP, United Kingdom

The Parent and Toddler (and grandparents and Carers!) group meets on a Tuesday afternoon during term time. A time to chat with friends, and make new ones, whilst the youngsters play - we have a musical interlude with guitar and nursery rhymes, a cuppa for the adults and a drink and biscuit for the young ones.

The Parents and Toddlers group only meets during term time

Holy Communion

Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour, 20 mins
Emmanuel Church
Apsley Road Bath, Newbridge Bath, BA1 3LP, United Kingdom

Our service of Holy Communion takes place on the second Sunday, following Covid safety guidelines. Please come along and join us at 10 am. We look forward to welcoming you. Refreshments will be served after the service giving everyone a chance to catch up with friends in the congregation.

Fellowship Group

Every Second, Fourth Wednesday at for 1 hour
Emmanuel Church
Apsley Road Bath, Newbridge Bath, BA1 3LP, United Kingdom

Our Fellowship group meets on the second and fourth Wednesday evening at 7pm. We start with a cuppa and a prayer. We look at a piece of scripture and try to discern what God is saying to us, putting into the context of the Bible as a whole and also into the context of our own lives. It is a time when we can share together God's word and encourage one another in our faith. We meet at Emmanuel, so plenty of space if you would like to come along and try us out. You would be very welcome. Contact Michael or Susannah if you would like to join the group. On the third Wednesday of each month we spend time praying for the world, the city, our church and each other.

Craft and Chat

Every Second, Fourth Thursday at for 2 hours
Emmanuel Church
Apsley Road Bath, Newbridge Bath, BA1 3LP, United Kingdom

The Craft and Chat group meets every second and fourth Thursday of the month. We create something together, or you can bring along your own craft and just chat - or even do no craft at all and just enjoy the chat! We enjoy a cup of tea and a slice of homemade cake. We are a friendly group and always ready to welcome new members. We are keeping up to date with the latest Covid-19 guidelines.

Prayer Meeting

Monthly. Every Third Wednesday at for 45 mins
Emmanuel Church
Apsley Road Bath, Newbridge Bath, BA1 3LP, United Kingdom

On the THIRD WEDNESDAY of the month we meet together at Emmanuel at 7.45 pm until 8.30pm to pray for the world, for our nation, our city and for ourselves. All welcome.