

We know there is a lot to think about when you are planning a wedding and we hope this page may be useful to you. The content on this page is from the Church of England website where there is lots of information to help you plan. 

If you would like to talk to Rev Becky Waring about a wedding at St Martin's please email [email protected] or call (0117) 9776275 . 

To arrange a wedding or for the reading of banns please email Beth, Parish Administrator at [email protected]

Please click on the below links for more information. 

Just Engaged! 

Congratulations on your engagement! An exciting and happy time lies ahead and there will be so much to think about. If you’re wondering how to make a start on all the planning and preparations for the service, this section will guide you through the first steps.

Choosing a Church

Lots of people marry in their own local church, but you might like to marry in a different church because it has special significance for you through family or other connections. This section will give you more information on your options. 

Hymns for your wedding

Hymns are a traditional part of church weddings and there are so many to choose from. Whether you opt for a popular tune, or something different, there’s a hymn to suit different parts of the service. In this section you can listen to some of your favourites. 

Bible readings for your wedding

Choosing your readings is one of the ways a wedding can be made really personal. Popular Bible passages are given here, but your vicar can help with choosing alternatives if you’d like something different.