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Getting here

St Peter's was originally established in 1768 by William Wright as a private 'chapel-at-ease' dedicated to Saint Peter

In the 1880s, it was caught in the Catholic Revival movement sweeping the Church of England at the time and owes a great deal of its current appearance to this fact. The apse (i. e. the Chancel, Lady Chapel, Sanctuary and High Altar) were installed and a rather menacing pulpit cut down to size somewhat.

The Church carries on in this tradition and can be seen most vividly in its worship. In the Mass, we encounter God in Word and Sacrament and we offer heart-felt, joyful and reverent worship worthy of the name. Many have been touched by its power and its sincerity and its gentle and mystical nature plays counterpoint to the buzzing public square in which the church stands.

We are fortunate to be open midweek, with a café and shop open Tuesday,and Friday between 11am and 2pm. We welcome new volunteers for our cafe so we can reopen onThursdays.. During these times the Church is also open for private prayer and as a 'quiet space'.

You can be sure of a very warm welcome at St. Peter's, whether you are a lifelong churchgoer or someone who is just interested. Our congregation is as warm as it is varied and interesting! We look forward to seeing you!

"These stones that have echoed their praises are holy, And dear is the ground where their feet have once trod; Yet here they confessed they were strangers and pilgrims, And still they were seeking the city of God."

St Peters's is under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Beverley and a registered parish of the Society of St Wilfrid and St Hilda.

Do come and join us!

St Peter's Square, Petersgate

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