05. Rector's Newsletter

Rector's letter for May 2024

Leading the way…into the unknown…

When God told Moses that he was to lead the Hebrew people out of slavery in Egypt and to the ‘Promised Land’, Moses and the people had no idea where they would end up, where this ‘Promised Land’ actually was. They were given a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire by God to lead them and to assure them that they were on the right path. All they had to do was trust and have faith.

Throughout our lives we face so many challenges and changes. Nothing ever seems to stay as it is. Things are always moving and changing. This is also true of relationships. Dear friends leave, move on or pass through to eternal life. It’s often really difficult to come to terms with changing circumstances and situations, particularly when we have grown used to and comfortable with things and people as they are. These experiences of change can make us feel very sad, so sad in fact that it seems like a bereavement, and we grieve and lament about what we are losing, or have already lost.

Not being able to see the next stage or to glimpse our destination can be disconcerting and disturbing. It can feel like we’re stumbling through a fog and sometimes that can be very frightening.

However, we too, like Moses and the Hebrew people, are given a pillar of cloud and fire, we are given the strength and presence of God’s leading and encouragement during all of those times of challenge and change as we head out into unknown and strange territory. All that God asks of us is to be faithful and trust in his leading and guiding presence. He knows where he is taking us on our various journeys and only he knows where our destination will be. Our calling is to trust in him through all of the times of challenge and change. If we can do this, we will indeed find ourselves truly blessed and discover the ‘Promised Land’ of peace and love and joy.

With every blessing for May.

Revd Paul

The Revd Paul Wilson

Rector of the Epworth Group of Churches

Priest-in-Charge of the Belton Group of Churches

Assistant Curate of the Crowle Group of Churches and the Haxey and Owston Ferry Plurality

Rural Dean of the Isle of Axholme Deanery