About Us

We are a welcoming congregation worshipping in a large red-brick church in the centre of Ashby.

A service is held at 10.00am every Sunday (unless we are attending one of the other churches for a joint service).

On the first Sunday there is a service of Morning Worship; on the second there is a service of Common Worship Holy Communion; on the third Sunday the service is lay-led and on the fourth Sunday of the month there is and informal, more interactive Café Church which takes place in the Hall adjacent to the church. Each service has hymns/songs and a talk. Coffee etc. is served after the service. Coffee and pastries are served before and during the Café Church.

There is wheel-chair access to the church and toilet facilities (suitable for the disabled) are available. The church is fitted with a hearing-loop.

For up-to-date details of services (and information about the adjacent hall) please see our parish website (click the 'OUR WEBSITE' link on the 'Get in touch' page).