Over the years succeeding generations have cared for St Helen’s Church, leaving marks of their devotion in each century up to the present day. The resources of the present Parish and Congregation are limited and, although much has been achieved, we should like to do more. Insurance imposes a heavy cost and the work of maintenance and restoration is continuous.

Please could you help us by supporting our Heritage at Sefton Church. Your generous donation will offer all who love St Helen’s, the opportunity to contribute to the preservation and enhancement of this ancient Mother Church and its work.

All funds raised will be administered by the Church in a restricted fund, which will only be used for the upkeep of the Church and Churchyard,

Our bank details are as follows:

BAC to Sefton Church                            

Royal Bank of Scotland

Account: 10047948

Sort Code: 16-24-06

Please reference: Your surname followed by Heritage  eg Thomas Heritage

If you prefer to donate by Cheque:

Please make cheques payable to:  Sefton Church

And send to:

Mr J Sparkhall   

Sefton Church Treasurer

105 Liverpool Road North



L31 2HG

If you prefer to pay by Standing Order:

Paying a regular donation by Standing Order simplifies the process both for you and for our Heritage fund. If you wish to set up a Standing Order with your bank, our details are above.

Remember! If you decide to join and are a UK tax payer, by completing a Gift Aid Declaration, which we can send to you, we can recover 25% tax from the Inland revenue.