
Our church is open daily during the months of June, July, August and September between the hours of and 5.00pm

Getting here

Welcome to St Mary's Sundridge which is part of the Parish of Sundridge with Ide Hill and Toys Hill. As a Church we seek to preach the Gospel and draw closer to Christ by sharing His gifts of love, joy and peace. We aim to praise God through our worship and to bring wholeness and healing to those in need.

 Children are always welcome at our services and there are refreshments served afterwards, as this is a great way to get to know one another better.

 To find out more about our services and activities, click on the 'Services and Events' tab above, which gives you lists of services, or on the link 'Calendar of Events' on the right of this page (go right to the bottom of the calendar to change the month).




St Mary's Church Road
TN14 6DD

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