About Us

Welcome to St Mary' s Church, Little Finborough in Suffolk

The church stands amid the fields of rural Suffolk. It is in a tranquil environment, suited to contemplation, meditation and to the worship of God. It is the focus of our church community which gathers week by week to engage with God’s Mission of love to the world.  Will you join us on our journey?

The church is tiny, unlike many of the mighty churches of Suffolk. It was greatly renovated during the Victorian period, but retains features from the medieval period. Although it is not grand or impressive, it is charming, warm and welcoming. When the sun shines, it floods the interior of the building with light. The regular services follow the Book of Common Prayer. There are occasional special services, which follow different formats.

For many years the churchyard has been managed for the benefit of wildlife. It has a wide variety of plants, insects, animals and birds living in or visiting it. The church has been awarded a bronze level Eco-Church award.

We give shape to our work by following the 'Five Marks of Mission' adopted by the Anglican Church worldwide, and seek to show them both in our communal and individual lives. They are to:

proclaim the good news of the Kingdom; teach, baptize and nurture new believers; respond to human need by loving service; seek to transform unjust structures of society, challenging violence, injustice and oppression and working for peace and reconciliation; strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustaining and renewing the life of the earth.

We invite you to explore the pages on our church and our services, and promise to give you a warm welcome when you come to see us in person. We are in a benefice with Combs, Great Finborough, Buxhall, Onehouse, Harleston and Shelland who you will find have a similar focus for their work.

Our Rector is the Reverend Sarah Jenkins and our
Associate Priest is the Reverend Canon Pauline Higham.