Messy Church at St Nicks - currently on hold

Who are we & what do we do?

We are the ‘congregation’ that meets regularly at St Nicks’ church; we strive to be an all-age worshipping community which is:

• centred on Jesus Christ

• warm, friendly and hospitable

• creative and fun

What happens? (timings are approximate)

3.15pm - Arrival - Refreshments are available as people arrive and some colouring / quizzes which introduce the theme

3.45pm - Welcome & craft activity - We use crafts and our creativity to help us explore the theme a bit more

4.30pm - Act of worship - Consisting of a song, story/drama & prayer

4.45pm - “Bring & Share” Tea - We end with a simple sandwich tea (people bring food to share, drinks are provided)

5.15pm - End

You are welcome to take home anything you’ve made at Messy Church

There is NO COLLECTION – but if you’d like to make a donation as well as bringing some food to share that would be lovely.

Who is Messy Church for?

There is a focus on families, but really it is for ANYONE!

It is a church ‘service’, but perhaps not like one you’ve been to before. You would be most welcome to come and give it a try.

We are on Facebook: