
The church is open to visitors whenever stewards are in attendance. You are most likely to find the church open at week-ends or in the summer. In addition, the church is open on the third Saturday of every month for "Night Church". Come and enjoy the beautiful coloured lighting that transforms this 14th century church into a 21st century wonder!

Refreshments are always served at Night Church and we give a warm welcome all visitors both near and far.

Getting here

St Clements Church is one of two ancient churches (the other is All Saints Church) that form the Old Town Parish of Hastings. St Clements can trace it's origins back to 1080 AD although it was ravaged by the French in 1339 and again in 1377 and was rebuilt in 1380.

It has many interesting features including a 15th century font depicting the Passion of Christ and two magnificent chandeliers - one of which was presented by the Hastings Barons of the Cinque Ports who raised the funds for the purchase by selling the canopy and silver staves held above George 111 at his coronation in 1761. The other chandelier was purchased by the Townsmen of Hastings.

St Clements has two beautiful East End stained glass windows - the work of Philip Cole which replaced the original windows which were blown out by bomb blast in the Second World War when a German bomb demolished the Old Swan Inn in the High Street dating back to 1309.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, poet and artist, married Elizabeth Siddall in St Clements in 1860.

Today, St Clements forms one Parish with All Saints and both churches are used on a rotating basis.

We offer a warm welcome to all visitors at our Parish Eucharist each Sunday. Please come and join us as we celebrate worshipping in the recently renovated and re-ordered church due to the generosity of one of our former parishoners, Barbara Jordan, who was a committed Christian and worshipped regularly in the Old Town until her death in 2006. We use Common Worship and describe ourselves as moderately catholic in our worship.

Swan Terrace/High St
TN34 3ES

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