
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Associate Priest
07808 517347

Getting here

Frieth is part of the parish of Hambleden with Frieth and Skirmett, and the church was built in 1848 as a Chapel of Ease, due to the distance of the village from Hambleden. (The former church in Skirmett is now a private house.) Flint from the ruined wing of the Old Rectory (now Kenricks) at Hambleden was used for the new church built to the design of JP Harrison. The South aisle was added later, probably by Woodyer dated 1872 on the rainwater heads. The church is built of flint with stone mullions and edges, and has an attractive tiled roof but no tower or turret, not even a bellcote.
The church is noted for its Victorian stained glass and carved woodwork.

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