
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information


Getting here

Welcome to St Saviour's!  We hope you will come to join us in worship.  We are a small and friendly congregation who welcome visitors and newcomers alike.  Our worship is traditional with a small choir.  We worship together every Sunday morning at 11.15 and the service lasts for about an hour and most of us find time afterwards for a tea or a coffee before going home.

We are a church that likes to say 'Yes'.  Although we are small, we will do all we can to support your spiritual needs where ever you are on your journey with God.  We say yes to Christenings, yes to weddings, and yes to young people.

From time to time we run Christian basics or enquirers courses for youth and for adults.  We hope to launch a new families focused congregation when the time is right - if you are looking for a church then it might be that you are the catalyst we need to start something new!

We do need locally based Christians who are looking to serve our Lord in their local church- we believe in lay ministry - in Christ all things are possible - help us to become the church God wants to be.

You might also be interested in 'Chatterbox' a really friendly and welcoming parents and toddlers group that meets on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 9.30 to 11.15.  Come along to the church hall and see!

We work together with St Matthew's in Wilsden and if you find our Sunday service time a little late then try St Matthew's at 9:30.

Long Lane
BD16 1LJ

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