About Us

 St Mary’s serves the Parish of North Shoebury which stretches from Maplin Way North in the west to the Renown in the east, the railway line in the south to Southend Road in the north, an area with a population in excess of 10,000.

Until the housing developments in the second half of the 20th Century in Shoeburyness, we were a typical village church and we continue to be that. This is the place where for many ear, those who live in the village bring their children to be Baptised, get married, and eventually, have their funeral.

The current St Mary’s church dates back to the 1230s but is considered to be the third church on the site; the original church dating back into Saxon times. St Mary’s has been a presence in North Shoebury for over one thousand years, baptising its babies, marrying its couples, and burying its dead, and Sunday by Sunday offering praise and worship to God.

Our regular Sunday services. 

Common Worship Parish Eucharist at 10.30 a.m. on the First and Third Sunday of each month, 

Family Service also at 10.30 a.m on the Second Sunday and Morning Prayer is on the fourth Sunday of each month.

The Fifth Sunday will be a BCP Eucharist

The Fourth Sunday of the month will be Even Song at 6pm

We say Morning Prayer on Monday and Thursday at 8.30 a.m. in church and on Zoom. 

Contact [email protected] for the link if you wish to join.

Our Sunday services are being streamed on  YouTube. Please see our Services & Events pages for up-to-date details.

Our modern, bright Church Hall will be available for hire when the lockdown is ended, and it is safe to do so.  Please contact Francine 01702 589244 or Phyl 01702 582185 for further details.

Whether you are joining us on a Sunday or marking a major family event or taking part in one of the social events we offer you a warm welcome to St Mary's.

Keep up to date with services and special events both here, and on our website: www.stmarynorthshoebury.org.uk