Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities
Car Park / Parking Available
Accessible Toilet

There are four Blue Badge spaces: two by the church entrance and two by the door to the hall.

This is located in the fellowship room on the wall opposite the door.

Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop

There are some large print copies of Mission Praise and services available. Please ask the Welcome Team on your arrival.

Assistance Dogs
Gluten-free refreshments
Wheelchair access

Our Building

Music and Worship

During the pandemic we have been using videos and cocntinue to do so. We have however a digital piano that also has an organ setting to accompany our singing and a range of tambourines and shakers available.

Groups, Courses and Activities

During term-time there is a Bible study group that currently meets via Zoom. This is a good opportunity to explore with others what the Bible has to offer.

Girls are also able to join

Girls are also able to join

This is the only tag that can be used at present for the Prayer Shawl Ministry, until a dedicated tag is made available. We make prayer shawls to give to people who are unwell but other items such as blankets for premature baby units, twiddle blankets for folk living with dementia, varous garments for people in need in this country and abroad.

Help for Visitors

Other Features


There is a box on the vicarage doorstep where contributions for the local foodbank can be left. All donations of tinned or packaged food, however small, are much appreciated.

We use a screen and projector to display the order of service and hymns.

The hall is on the same site but in a separate building to the church and has its own kitchen and toilets. It can be hired for £15 an hour for one-off events such as children's parties as well as regular events such as U3A meetings, dance classes and rehearsals. There are reduced rates for regular bookings: £14 an hour. It may also be possible to hire the church for some events. Please send a message for 'venue hire' via the Get in Touch page.