
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Revd Preb Rosie Austin, Team Rector, Rural Dean
01598 711962

Getting here

Stoke Rivers is a widely scattered parish of about 140 inhabitants with a small hamlet at its centre with just over 30 dwellings.

Our congregation here is small, dedicated, and very sociable. Wine and coffee are served after the morning services which take place here on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. 

St Bartholomew's is a very simple and beautiful grade 1 listed building, hardly changed since its foundation. it was built in the fifteenth centure in the perpendicular style. the upper section of the tower was added later. the north wall and tower still have the original 15 century windows.

Higher David Close
Stoke Rivers
EX32 7LD

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