Coffee at The Weavers - tea, cake and chat

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
The Weavers Pub
The Weavers Pub, 94 High St, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, BA13 4DZ, United Kingdom

Members of Holy Trinity congregation and their friends regularly meet at The Weavers pub for tea, cake and chat. Do come and join us.

We look forward to seeing you.

Photo courtesy of congerdesign from Pixabay

Tot's Praise

Every Friday at for 30 mins
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity
High Street Dilton Marsh, BA13 4FE, United Kingdom

A fun half hour of songs, nursery rhymes and games for babies and pre-school age children.

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Worldwide Knit in Public Day

for 5 hours
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity
High Street Dilton Marsh, BA13 4FE, United Kingdom

Holy Trinity Eco Church has linked with the Woolly Wednesday group, that meet weekly at the Weavers pub, to knit or crochet squares to make blankets for the Ukraine. We would love you to join in.
Refreshments available, please bring own lunch and a chair.
Please bring your own needles /crochet hook and wool. Some
DK wool available for squares.
You are welcome to bring your own project if you wish.
World Wide Knit in Public Day was started in 2005. It takes place on the second Saturday of June each year. It began as a way for knitters to come together and enjoy each other's company.
Knit in Public Day is the largest knitter run event in the world.

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Cream Tea

for 2 hours
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity
High Street Dilton Marsh, BA13 4FE, United Kingdom

We all love a cream tea, so you are most welcome to join us to partake of scones, jam, cream and more.

Image by Sarah Tevendale from Pixabay.

Holy Communion

Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity, High Street Dilton Marsh, BA13 4FE, United Kingdom

Known also as ‘The Eucharist’, ‘The Lord’s Supper’ or ‘Mass’ is a service of readings and prayers that lead up to a symbolic sharing of bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus’ Last Supper.

There will be refreshments after the service.

All are very welcome.

Photo courtesy of James Coleman from Unsplash.

Holy Trinity Singing Group

Every Second, Fourth Monday at for 1 hour
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity, High Street Dilton Marsh, BA13 4FE, United Kingdom

Suitable for everyone who would like to practice singing hymns in readiness for all our services.

Cafe Church

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Dilton Marsh Memorial Hall
Dilton Marsh Memorial Hall, High Street Dilton Marsh, BA13 4DW, United Kingdom

Café style service held in Dilton Marsh Memorial Hall, non communion, service with breakfast available to enjoy.

Weekday Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Third Thursday at for 45 mins
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity, High Street Dilton Marsh, BA13 4FE, United Kingdom

A shortened monthly said Common Worship service of Holy Communion.

There will be refreshments after the service.

All are very welcome.

Photo courtesy of James Coleman from Unsplash.

Safeguarding Training

for 3 hours
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity
High Street Dilton Marsh, BA13 4FE, United Kingdom

This invitation is open to all members of the church, of all denominations, whether or not you are currently involved in a formal way in church or within ecumenical children’s ministry.
[Ecumenical children’s ministry includes Open the Book, Little Lights, Experience days]
Safeguarding training session – Thursday 20th June 2024 – 6pm-9pm
We are committed to creating an environment, which is welcoming and respectful and enables safeguarding concerns to be raised and responded to openly, promptly and consistently.
I last offered this training three years ago and therefore the time has come to offer this training face to face!
If you trained face to face with me previously, have a certificate for training in the last three years, or have not undertaken training before; please do book and attend.
Everyone who is involved within the life of the church from greeting on a Sunday morning, helping with children’s ministry, making the refreshments, or any other role within the church; are required to undertake ‘Safeguarding training’ at both basic and foundation level, this is to be renewed every three years.
To this end, we have arranged to offer an in-person safeguarding training session at Holy Trinity, Dilton Marsh on Thursday 20th June 2024 - 6pm-9pm.
If you are unable to attend in person, it is possible to complete ‘Safeguarding training’ at both basic and foundation level online through:
If you choose to complete online, please send a copy of your certificate to [email protected] so this can be recorded.
Refreshments will be provided, and a certificate issued, valid for three years to each participant.
Please contact Yvette Croft (Parish Safeguarding Officer) on 07460451770 or via email [email protected] to reserve your place or to answer any questions
I look forward to facilitating this training and seeing many of you there.

Community Mosaic Workshop

for 5 hours
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity
High Street Dilton Marsh, BA13 4FE, United Kingdom

A fun event being led by Ria-Jane Cann from Fragmented Art.
No charge. No need to book.
Come along for an hour or so (or all day!) and take part in this community event!
We are creating a ‘Welcome’ sign for display outside the church.
Refreshments available (If coming all day, please bring a packed lunch)
All Welcome!

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Lego Church Faith - Food - Fun!!!

In January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity
High Street Dilton Marsh, BA13 4FE, United Kingdom

Explore the bible with Lego bricks and stories
Monthly on the 4th Sunday, January to November inclusive

Faith, Food & Fun!

Children to be accompanied by responsible adult

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Bath Community Big Band

for 2 hours
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity
High Street Dilton Marsh, BA13 4FE, United Kingdom

Fundraiser for Dorothy House and Holy Trinity

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Holy Trinity Prayer Group

Monthly. Every Fourth Thursday at for 1 hour
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity
High Street Dilton Marsh, BA13 4FE, United Kingdom

The Prayer Group meets monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month at 11am in Holy Trinity church. The group meets for 30 mins and afterwards there is a drop in for anyone wanting to ask questions about prayer. If you have ever wondered if God hears our prayers, if we should expect to hear from God, how to pray for family and friends, how to pray in silence, or in tongues, to intercede, or write your own, this would be a good opportunity to come and find out.

Monthly Coffee Morning & Village Market

Monthly. Every First Saturday at for 2 hours
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity
High Street Dilton Marsh, BA13 4FE, United Kingdom

First Saturday every month -
Meet friends old and new over refreshments and grab a bargain from the table top sellers.
Table hire FREE. Voluntary donations toward the ministry and mission of the Church.
To book a table or stall please contact Garth: 01373 822414

Praise & Worship

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity
Dilton Marsh: Holy Trinity, High Street Dilton Marsh, BA13 4FE, United Kingdom

Praise & Worship service

All service details on screen.

Photo courtesy of Barbara Jackson from Pixabay