Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities
Accessible Toilet

There is new disabled access through the Ladt Chapel door and down a new ramp into the Nave.

Always welcome we have a guide dog in training currently in the congregation

Please let us know we have gluten free communion wafers and there are always gluten free cakes in the cupboard.

Our Building

St. Mary's has stood looking over the Medway since the 13th century. It has seen Gillingham grow out of all recognition, but retains it's tital of Gillingham Parish Church. We now feel ready to be open to welcome and offer aid our community in the 21st century

Music and Worship

The ringers meet every Tuesday evening at 8pm and ring every Sunday. They always welcome new members

The next concert is on 8th March at 2pm

There is a small and dedicated choir who meet to practice at 8pm on Thursday evenings, they lead us every Sunday and offer to lead the singing at Weddings

Groups, Courses and Activities

There is a coffee and welcome morning every Monday 9 to 11.30 and the church s open to all 9 to 4 on Fridays

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks / Notes

Every Friday for the day, and at other times during the week, or by arrangement with the priest in charge

Other Features
